Friday, April 23, 2010


Struggle~ to proceed with difficulty or with great effort




1. I think it would be very hard for the children to be separated from their family. Aswell from thier other siblings. For these kids I think it was very hard for them because they didn't know how to take care of themselves. When you think about it when we were as young as those kids in this picture we didn't really know how to do much on our own.

2. Once again the same type of scenario. These three young kids all under the age of 8, are all by themselves. They don't know where to go and where anything is and their minds are going a million different ways. I know when I used to get lost or loose my mom somewhere I would get really scared; just like these kids are.

3. A struggle for these people is having to leave their homes that they have know for a long time and all of their possecions in them. They don't know where they are going and they are all very scared for what is to come.

4. You can just take one look at this picture and look at these men and tell that they are or should I say "have been struggling". They all have that look on their face of being overly tired and not having enough food or water in their body which is also a struggle. The man in the middle and the man on the right look like they have it the worst by the way they are standing. The one has to have help standing up and the one on the right is using a cane and they both are still having a hard time.

5. These three kids are truly devastative. They lost their house and possibly their family memebers. This tragic picture was taken during WWII. The boy on the right is having a really hard time. He is crying like he lost something more important that just his house like maybe his parents. But this happened to many cities during WWII with all the bombings going on.

6. A struggle from today that is recent would have to be the Haiti earthquake. It was truly a tragidy to Haiti because they were already a country is such proverty then the earthquake hit and it made it 10 times worse. They already had so little then when this happened they really had nothing. So many deaths and loss of clothing and bad water and food. It was going to be such a hard struggle for them to start over and re-build everything this time.

7. I chose this picture beacuse it shows people who are getting burned. It was such a long struggle for them to stay alive and try to stay as healthy as possibly in the concentration camps with the limited food and water that they no longer could do. So when they got so bad they were just burned to death.

8. The men in this picture struggle every time they want to sleep. Because they don't know if it will be their last time ever waking up or their last time going to sleep. With the lack of food and water many people wouldn't wake up thats how hard it was on their body.

9. This family is having a very hard time to try to stay warm and not freeze to death outside. Many times when they would have to run in the snow/ cold they would stop and freeze to death because they were so weak and just to cold to go on. You can see that these kids are pretty young so they are having a harder time with it than others would.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

What are You, my God?

What are You, my God? (66)
Blessed be God's name? (67)
Look at these men whom You have betrayed, allowing them to be tortured,
slaughtered, gassed, and burned, what do they do? (68)
Why, but why would I bless Him? (67)
How could I say to Him: Blessed be Thou, Almighty, Master of the Universe,
Who chose us among all nations to be tortured day and night,
to watch as our fathers, our mothers, our brothers end up in the furnaces? (67)
What does Your grandeur mean, Master of the Universe,
in the face of all this cowardice, this decay, and this misery? (66)
You caused the heavens to rain down fire and damnation. (68)
God the accused. (68)
Where is God's Mercy? (77)
All of creation bears witness to the Greatness of God. (68)
Because in His great might, He created Auschwitz, Birkenau,
Buna, and so many other factories of Death? (67)
Man is too insignificant, too limited, to even try to
comprehend God's mysterious ways. (76)
Yes, man is stronger, and greater than God! (67)
I no longer accepted God's silence. (69)
What are You, my God? (66)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Who Caused War?!?!

Hitler 50%
Military 25%
Jewish Faith 15%
Other Countries 10%

We all blame Hitler for be the greatest cause of WWII and the Holocaust simply because he is responsible for most likely half of what happened. He had a lot people helping him along the way throughout this long process. He killed millions of people who didn't even do anything. He just had something against that one kind of people and he wanted to do something about it. And that is what he did. Hitler started this huge outbreak that went on for what seemed like forever for a lot of people.

The Military also had a pretty big part in the War as well as the Holocaust becuase they did alot of the killing that Hitler didn't already do. They took many lives aswell. At the same time Hitler was in charge of them so he was like telling them what to do.

Then the Jewish Faith and Other Countries also played a role with the war and Holocaust but not as much. With the other countries they helped participate in the war actions being taken place and what not. I personally think that everyone was in on it together at the time. But at that point in time they didn't realize it because there was so much going on around them. As we look back on everything now we are starting to see how everything is kinda coming together. So over all we can all choose different people to blame for this War if we wanted to. Simply because we all have our own opinions and beliefs on things that happen.

The Gun!!!

The Gun is greatly significant at the beginning of the book. The guns were used a lot during the historical context of WWII and the novel "Night." In the novel "Night," Elie's friend Moishe Chaim Berkowitz got deported to a concentration camp. He was a able to escape from there a few days later though and get back home. When he got back home he shared his stories for the things he saw with people. One of them he told Elie. It was about when he saw men throwing up babies up into the air and using them as targets when they were using the machine guns. That was very horrific for Moishe to see happy, to little inoccent babies who didn't even do anything wrong. Elie couldn't believe what he was hearing.

The significance of the Gun is important because it changing the way the war happens. By killing people who didn't even do anything. They don't deserve to get treated this way for the way people are treating them. The type of impact I think I will have on the rest of my novel is by being shocked by the things that are going to be happening. The way that things change to people and how they are treated.

Yes, the Gun emotionally changes my opinion of the war because it kills millions of people throughout the war. Let alone during the Holocaust 6 million died but not all were just from the gun. But still many people died from it.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Powerful word of "HATE!!"

The word hate means to dislike or have mean feelings towards someone or something. Also to have extreme hostility toward them or that thing. If you hate someone, it might be because of something that they did that upset you or they did something that you didn't approve of. Then if you hate something it may just be because of something that happened to you with that certain thing. You can show the way you "hate" someone/ something in many different ways. Overtime, though this word is being used more and more everyday. People use it to talk about "Oh I hate that girl over there." And "Oh, I hate that sign." People now days are just over using this word and I honestly don't think they even know why they use it. They just say it because everyone else is using it.

The Group of people who suffered the most Discrimination during WWII and the Holocaust were most defintley the Jewish people. There were 6 million Jewish people killed during the Holocaust. Which I think is unfair because everyone should have just been treated equally. They were just the same as us, just different hair color and just believed in a different religion doesn't mean that there was anything wrong with them.

The group who undergo the discrimination in United States today is the Blacks. They have to undergo racial discrimination still. In some places they still have the things with the whites only then colored. I think it is completely wrong. Simpily because everyone should just be treated equally and it was made that way a long time ago...

"We are all different; because of that, each of us has something different and special to offer and each and every one of us can make a difference by not being indifferent." - Henry Friedman Chairman of the Holocaust Education Centre, Washington.

"No one yet knows what awaits the Jews in the twenty-first century, but we must make every effort to ensure that it is better than what befell them in the twentieth, the century of the Holocaust." - Benjamin Netanyahu

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Blog #0

Hey, I'm Sarah, and I am reading Night! (: